Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Your name is Whaaaaa?

Ok so... For almost 5 years now my last name has been Orr.

Still I get
What's with the name change?
Your name is what?
Brett Or What? (haha... You are funny.)

So for anyone that is that interested in my little life and wonders what the name change was all about, allow me to explain.

In no way did I change my name to hurt anyone's feelings or make a point or to get out of speeding tickets.
The story of the name change goes like this.

 My whole life I carried the last name of people that I never really knew. As billions of kids do, I came from divorced parents. At no point in my life did I ever connect with that side of my family. No matter how many times I tried. It never happened. I watch all kinds of kids going through this. Parents split up, one gets custody and the other starts a new family almost forgetting that the other kids even exist. Sucks. But it happens.

Here where my story is a touch different. Before I could even remember a memory I had my step dad. A step dad that not ever even once treated me like I wasn't his. I grew up with him. He loved me. He scolded me. He was proud of me. He was disappointed in me. He checked my homework. He helped me study. He taught me right from wrong. He told me where babies come from. He taught me how to throw a football. He came to my swim meets. He came to my plays. He bought me my first drum set. My first guitar. My first keyboard. He fixed my cars. Taught me about engines. Cooked me fried macaroni. A Lot. He taught me how to treat a woman. He taught me how to be a man.

He taught me everything I know about being a good person. A good husband. A good father. Everything I have good inside me came from him. (and my Mom of course)

Almost 5 years ago Sarah told me she was pregnant. We were going to have a son. He was going to have everything good in him that I had in me. And he was going to be named after the man that I got it all from.

That is why my name changed.