Friday, May 25, 2012

The Sunday Fundays

Ok. So.

     It is no secret that I have an addiction issue when it comes to being surrounded by people I like.
When you travel through life you meet some wonderful people that you truly enjoy spending your time with. Nothing makes me more sad than when these people disappear from our lives because of life. We grow up. We get married. We have kids. We move away. Whatever the case... It makes me sad.

     Well... I don't give up that easily. I don't except the life is busy excuse.

So in this little family of mine we listened to Ferris when he said..."Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

      So every Sunday we stop to look around.

Let's face it. Life is hectic. Life is not all rainbows and butterflies. It is work. Kids. Mortgage. Bills. Cleaning. Laundry. Work.  Dishes. Taxes. Work. Crying. Whining. Work. Rushing. Deadlines. Driving. Picking up. Dropping Off. Work. Cooking. Yelling. Attitudes. Weeding. Mowing. Work.

       So every Sunday, we stop to look around.

Here is the tricky part about Sunday fundays. Not everyone feels it. I understand that. They don't need to.
"Alexander is a long drive." "Can't drink if I go." "Too many kids." "I don't really know everyone."

Let's get one thing clear. As much as I love stopping to look around with all the friends and family I have acquired over the years... I don't want anyone to feel obligated to come here to our little get togethers. The last thing that should ever happen at a Sunday Funday, is complaining. It is meant to be a sit back and relax, catch up, share stories, watch the kiddies play, eat some grub and perhaps a few cocktails kinda thing. If Sunday Funday is an inconvenience to you and yours... Don't feel obligated to come.

I will not love you any less.

Here is how Sunday goes for me. I work on the weekends in a hot gross kitchen. Sundays are a non stop, hot, sweaty, frustrating feed the masses kind of day. At 3 o'clock when my shift ends... This is what is going to happen. I am going to come home. I am going to be greeted by my smiling son. Kiss and hug my beautiful wife. Then I am going to take a shower. After that I am going to enjoy this life we have built. I will fire up the grill. Open a beer from the stocked beer fridge and I will take in the blessings we have been given. If you want to be a part of this then, as always our doors are open. If not. Do your "thing". That thing that keeps you sane. Don't ever feel obligated or guilted in to coming here.

I promise I will not love you any less.

1 comment:

Jon Dayton said...

When you forge a true friendship with someone and then become separated by time or distance, when you meet back up you can pick up right where you left off. (And if you're lucky they're doing the meat and you just bring a side dish!)