Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Dear ________,

Dear family,

       I want to say thank you. Thank you for being a constant love no matter what shit storm comes raging through our lives. Thank you for being crutches for other family members to lean on when the weight of the world seems too heavy to bear. Thank you for being self aware and honest. Thank you for being you. We are a fucked up group of people for sure. But, we are a fucked up group of amazing, supportive, loving champions that prove time and time again that we persevere... Always.

                                                                                                         Love, Brett.

Dear Mom and Dad,

         There is not enough room on the internet to write down all the amazing things you do. You both are truly rocks. How you keep your shit together with all of the crap we have pulled through the years is a testament to your strength and your patience. Mommy, without fail you are there when ever needed, no matter the circumstance. (except hospitals... You don't do hospitals.) You have the power to calm the most torrential internal storms that we face and you do not ever receive enough gratitude. Daddy, You took on the job of raising this chubby, oversensitive, ball of emotion without ever making me feel like I wasn't yours. You both are so wonderful. I love you.

                                                                                                          Love, Brett.

Dear Wife,

      What can I say that I don't tell you as often as I can already? You are stunning. You are everything to so many. You are the light that keeps me from forever falling into darkness. You are a voice of reason when the voices in my head are being unreasonable. You are force to be reckoned with, my love. Because of you, I serve a purpose. Because of you, the worst of days end with smiles and sound sleep. Because of you this little house remains strong and loving and beaming with possibility. The words "I love you" are not enough. My cup overflows.

                                                                                                           Love, Brett.

Dear Emma,
      Man, do we love you. And even though you are out in the world, doing you... Your face is missed. Your smile is missed. Your presence is missed. We spend countless minutes everyday worrying about you, thinking about you. In the end, we believe in you and that you will do the right things. We believe that you will be safe and smart.

                                                                                                              Love, Brett.

Dear Drake,

      You have single handedly, turned an angry, selfish and foolish man into a man with a mission. A mission of being the absolute best father the world has ever seen. You, my son have changed my life. You have given your broken down Daddy a reason to wake up everyday. To smile and laugh. You have given me a reason to see the beauty in all of the world around us. You will move mountains, my boy. I have no doubt.

                                                                                                             Love, Daddy.

Dear the people that walked away,

          You are missed. Maybe not as much as before. But still missed. I am flawed. You must not be. Why else would you be so unwilling to forgive? I look back at all of the situations that caused you all to walk away and process them over and over until I go crazy. But I am done with that now. I have always owned up to my shit and made sincere apologies as needed. After that, it's not my problem anymore. It's yours. May the sun shine brightly on all of you. May each day bring happiness and smiles. May you someday realize that you too are flawed and that you will require forgiveness from someone that you wronged... And may you get that forgiveness. Also know that these doors are always open. At no point would I not gladly welcome you with open arms.

                                                                                                            Love, Brett.

Dear the people I walked away from,
            Being myself, I am all too familiar with actions and words that require forgiveness from others. If I have walked away from you, it means that you are too toxic for forgiveness. Your adultery, sex triangles, child endangerment or whatever, was far too dangerous for me or my family to be around. Whatever it is that you have done wasn't a simple screw up or lack of judgement. It wasn't a misunderstanding or an argument between pals. Those are things easy to forgive and move on from... You are sick, twisted spawns of evil with no signs of being anything else.

                                                                                                         Stay gone, Brett.

Dear World,

      You are a beautiful place jammed packed with the worst sorts of ugly imaginable. Get your shit together.

                                                                                                            Sincerely, Brett.

Dear Organized Religion,

        You are a beautiful idea... On paper. Unfortunately, many of your followers can't read the blueprint. Therefore, as much as I enjoy the idea of a higher power belief system, my faith will remain with the Fonz. Get your shit together.

                                                                                              Sincerely, Brett.


Dear Friends,

                You all deserve an award. You have stuck by a guy who. Is. Fucked. Up. You have decided to stick by a guy who's inner demons and lightning fast, foul mouth gets the better of him on a daily basis. You appreciate and love me for me and I promise to forever do the same for you. Sometimes your presence is the antidote to venom filled depression. You are all awesome. Not awesome like, "Hey this IPA beer is awesome"... But the true definition of the word. The power of the universe kind of awesome.

                                                                                                                Love, Brett

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